How many Python core devs use typing?

2023-13-11 路 9 min 路 1748 words

Diving into PyPI package name squatting

2023-09-11 路 8 min 路 1556 words

Analyzing Reddit posts

2021-18-04 路 3 min 路 565 words

Python linters and formatters

2020-12-11 路 4 min 路 712 words

Why does Python have a colon?

2019-21-11 路 5 min 路 939 words

Contract-Driven Development

2019-02-11 路 5 min 路 1008 words

Beautiful logging in Python

2019-15-03 路 2 min 路 307 words

Everything about round()

2019-28-02 路 1 min 路 210 words

Everything about Counter

2019-20-02 路 3 min 路 579 words

About iterators and iterables

2018-16-07 路 3 min 路 537 words

Python packaging for your team

2018-17-06 路 6 min 路 1222 words